Helping our kids through remote learning
The past 8 months have been extremely difficult for the majority of people. One population that, even during the best of times, depends on stability and socialization are children and adolescents. For most, remote learning has been less than ideal; for parents taking on additional responsibilities to be adjunct teachers while they still work from home as well as the child missing out on the structure, routine, and socialization that school provides.
As we have continued to work with our clients during the pandemic, it is not uncommon to hear the frustration, from both parents and educators, regarding different aspects and challenges associated with remote learning. A common complaint is when parents feel like they have not been provided guidance on how to help facilitate lessons or learning and that they are left, figuratively, to fend for themselves. For those of us that are not teachers, we are not privy to what the classroom and educator role provides, aside from the content of the lesson plan and course material. With that feedback in mind, I found this article by the American Psychological Association to be a great help in identifying tips and tricks to help those that are taking on the extra responsibility of facilitating their child’s remote learning. It provides background at the beginning of the article with 5 tips at the very end with links to PDF documents for further reading and strategies. The tips listed in this article strike me as to what parents already do with their children but specifically applied to a new role with remote learning. http://Stringer, H. (2020, October 13). Zoom school’s mental health toll on kids.
The coronavirus has been a massive stressor for many, if you or someone you love is struggling with the stress or anxiety of the pandemic we can be reached at